SEM-20-016 Capacity Market Code Urgent Modification CMC_30_20 - Timetable

Date published:

The Capacity Remuneration Mechanism is a competitive element of the Single Electricity Market designed to ensure electricity security of supply across the island of Ireland.  Competitive auctions secure the necessary capacity to meet demand for delivery in a specified year. 

On the 12th February 2020, the RAs published the Capacity Market Code Modifications Decision Paper (SEM-20-008) in regards to the modification CMC_02_20 – Modification to the Required Timeframe for a T-4 Capacity Auction to take Place.

This modification allowed for amendments to be made to the 2023/24 T-4 Capacity Auction Timetable and an updated timetable was published on 18th February 2020.

As part of the decision paper for CMC_02_20 the SEM Committee committed to the proposal of an Urgent Modification that would help address the comments provided by respondents in regards to any additional steps that may be required as well as changes to the Long Stop Date.

Today, 2nd March 2020, the RAs have published the CMC modifications timetable for this proposed modification. 

As set out in the timetable the RAs intend to proceed to the consultation process on 11th March 2020.