Operational Parameters for 2022 Decision Paper

Operational Parameters for 2022 Decision Paper

Under the terms of the SEM Trading and Settlement Code (TSC) Part B, the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) shall determine certain parameters proposed by the Market Operator (MO) and the TSOs, as applicable, in relation to the calculation and treatment of participants’ Required Credit Cover and matters related to Imbalance Settlement.

In June 2021 therefore, the RAs requested SEMO to review the parameters utilised in the calculation of Required Credit Cover and of the Price Materiality Threshold. The RAs also requested the TSOs to review the parameters utilised in the calculations related to Uninstructed Imbalances.

On 19 August 2021, the RAs received reports from SEMO and the TSOs (, and ) outlining their recommendations for the proposed values for the parameters referred to above. The RAs subsequently published a consultation paper () on the 20 August 2021, requesting the view of market participants on SEMO’s and the TSOs’ recommendations.

This paper presents the RAs’ decision in relation to the operational parameters for 2022.