Decision on Treatment of Losses on the SEM

On 5th April 2012 the SEMC published a proposed decision paper for consultation (Proposed Decision on Treatment of Losses in the SEM, SEM-12-024).  The consultation period ended on the 4th May 2012.  Following a review of the responses to SEM-11-098 and consideration of the options available at the time, the SEMC presented two proposed decisions in relation to the treatment of losses in the SEM.  These two proposed decisions were as follows:

1. Splitting: The SEMC is proposing not to implement splitting.

2. The SEMC is proposing to maintain compression of TLAFs as the longer term solution for the treatment of losses in both the market and dispatch schedules.

The purpose of this paper is to outline and summarise the responses to that consultation (Proposed decision by the SEMC, SEM-12-024) and to put forward the decision of the SEMC on the treatment of losses in the SEM resulting from that consultation.

Queries with regard to this decision paper should be submitted to

 View the proposed decision responses.