Baringa Survey on the Validation of the RAs 2018-19 SEM PLEXOS Model

Baringa Information Paper and Survey

Today, Tuesday 10th October 2017, the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) publish a Baringa information paper on the validation of the RA’s SEM PLEXOS model for 2018-19. This paper outlines a number of modelling options that Baringa are considering for forecasting in the new trading arrangements for SEM and Baringa are inviting feedback through an online survey:

The deadline for the survey is close of business 20th October 2017.

The validation of the RA’s PLEXOS SEM model is an exercise that is carried out to ensure the RAs have an up-to-date model when carrying forecasting of SEM. The RA’s are supported by Baringa Partners LLP in carrying out this work for the first year of the new trading arrangements for SEM (I-SEM). This Validated SEM PLEXOS model will be used as part of the determination of Directed Contracts in December 2017.

For further information on the Baringa information paper and the survey please contact Luke Humphry (   For any queries to the RAs please contact either James Curtin ( at the CRU or Kevin Baron ( at the Utility Regulator.