2012/2013 Subscription Rules

The SEM Committee has today 19th June 2012 published the preliminary ESB Power Generation Directed Contract Subscription Rules paper. This paper sets out in detail, the rules designed to faciltate and to clarify the Directed Contract Subscription process.

There have been a number of changes to the subscription rules due to the move to a rolling DC process. Therefore in order to provide information to market participants as early as possible the RAs are publishing the preliminary subscription rules with some dates and figures blacked out.

The RAs currently plan to publish the public version of the RAs' validated PLEXOS model and the paper on DC quantification and pricing in the coming days. The final approved subscription rules will be published in full alongside these documents.

To aid transparency, a version of the preliminary Subscription Rules with tracked changes from the current year has also been published.

For further information please contact Fergus O'Toole (fotoole@cer.ie) at the CER.