Trading and Settlement Code Terms of Reference for the Market Audit 2024 Consultation Paper

Trading and Settlement Code Terms of Reference for the Market Audit 2024 Consultation Paper 

The SEM Committee has today published a Consultation Paper on the proposed terms of reference for the Trading and Settlement Code Market Audit 2024. 

The RAs propose that the Market Audit 2024 covering the 12-month period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 is to be a core SEMO audit and reported under the ISAE 3000 Assurance Opinion. The RAs propose that the materiality level remains at 0.5% of the estimated annual market value of electricity traded in SEM, as governed by the TSC.    

Responses to this Consultation Paper should be sent to Aline M Martellini ( and Caroline Winder ( by 17:00 on 28 October 2024.