I-SEM CRM Exception Application and Opt-out Notification Processes and Workshop Invitation

The I-SEM CRM Capacity Market Code (CMC) was published on 2nd June 2017. The CMC describes the processes market participants must follow in relation to participation in a CRM auction. This includes detail in relation to the requirement for market participants to apply for Regulatory Authority (RA) approval for certain exception applications (section E5 of the CMC) and opt-out notification determination section E3 of the CMC). Today we publish a briefing note which provides more detail on these processes.

Workshop Invitation

The RAs are holding a stakeholder workshop on these processes on 30th June. Due to limited room space, attendance at this event will be limited to two per organisation and attendees must register in advance.

The event will be held at the Crowne Plaza, Dundalk and will have the following format:

-  Registration at 9.30am

-  Workshop commences 10am

-  Close 12.30

Please register with Lisa McCoubrey at lisa.mccoubrey@uregni.gov.uk by Friday 23rd June 2017.