Invite to I-SEM Market Readiness Bilaterals with the Regulatory Authorities

Ahead of the Market Trial Entry Decision, the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) invite interested stakeholders to meet with them on a bilateral basis to discuss Readiness for the I-SEM. 

The aim of the engagement for the RAs is to discuss participants’ overall Readiness and the upcoming Market Trial process. As with the previous Readiness bilaterals, these meetings aim to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to voice any concerns they have regarding the overall Readiness process towards go-live.

Bilateral meetings (of 40 minutes duration) will be scheduled on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 31 October 2017 (at the Utility Regulator's office in Belfast);
  • Wednesday 01 November and Thursday 02 November 2017 (at CRU's office in Dublin).

Interested parties should state their preference of location and preference for either a morning or afternoon session. The RAs will endeavour to accommodate all requests, but timeslots will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Requests to organise a meeting should be sent by email to: by 17.30 on Tuesday 17th October 2017.


Invite to I-SEM Market Readiness Bilaterals with the Regulatory Authorities

Subsequent to publication of the SEMC's Information Paper on I-SEM Readiness Criteria, Governance and Contingency, the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) invite interested stakeholders to meet with them on a bilateral basis to discuss Readiness for the I-SEM. 

The aim of the engagement is for the RAs to discuss any queries regarding the contents of the recent publication, as well as provide stakeholders with an opportunity to voice any concerns regarding the overall Readiness process towards go-live.

Bilateral meetings (of 40 minutes duration) will be scheduled on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 20 June 2017 (at the Utility Regulator's office in Belfast);
  • Wednesday 21 June 2017 (at CER's office in Dublin).

Interested parties should state their preference of location and whether a morning or afternoon session is more feasible. The RAs will endeavour to accommodate all requests, but timeslots will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Requests to meet should be sent to: by 17.30 on Tuesday 6th June 2017.

Invite to I-SEM Market Readiness Bilaterals with the RAs

Subsequent to publication of the SEMC's High Level Framework on Market Readiness, the RAs invite interested stakeholders to meet with them on a bilateral basis to discuss Readiness for the I-SEM.  The aim of the engagement is for the RAs to establish a view on participants' progress towards go-live of the new market, over and above that which is already reported to EirGrid/ SONI in Market Readiness surveys, and to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to voice any concerns or issues in terms of Readiness towards go-live of any of the critical go-live events.

Bilateral meetings (of 40 minutes duration) will be scheduled on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 21 February 2017 (at the Utility Regulator's office in Belfast)
  • Wednesday 22 February 2017 (at CER's office in Dublin)

Interested parties should state their preference of location and whether a morning or afternoon session is more feasible.  The RAs will endeavour to accommodate all requests, but timeslots will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.  Requests to meet should be sent to: by 17.00 on Wednesday 8 February.